November 22, 2022 Make Thanksgiving roads safe: GHSA Grants given to four states to avoid holiday season road fatalities - with help from Lyft
April 21, 2022 Lyft to buy bike-share group PBSC Ride-hailing giant is keen to make further inroads into docked micromobility market
November 23, 2021 Lyft enters Las Vegas robotaxi space Motional's robotaxi is planned to be used in ride-hailing in Vegas without a driver from 2023
September 16, 2021 Wilco invests in StreetDrone delivery AV High street retailer sees autonomous retail deliveries as part of its future customer offer
September 15, 2021 Ida prompts Citi Bike NYC usage record Bike-share owner Lyft said hurricane disruption to subway drove users to seek two wheels
July 28, 2021 Ford to launch AVs on Lyft network Argo AI is to use anonymised service and fleet data from Lyft in Miami and Austin
May 27, 2021 Ohio displays transit options in Lyft app Central Ohio Transit Authority says move will allow ride-hailers to compare modes
April 29, 2021 Lyft sells AV unit to Woven Planet for $550m Ride-hailing giant Lyft will work with Toyota-backed Woven Planet on fleet data
March 18, 2021 Lyft and Uber share data on violent drivers Programme will be open to other US transportation and delivery network companies
January 11, 2021 US states pledge to reduce road emissions Transit investment and air quality reporting are important first steps, say campaigners