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Canada to host 2017 ITS World Congress

Canada has been selected to host the 2017 ITS World Congress. Three Canadian and nine American cities vied to host the conference and after lengthy deliberation the International Committee settled on Montreal. The last World Congress in Canada was in Toronto in 1999 which attracted over 5,000 delegates. ITS Canada says the Montreal Congress will be even bigger and is promising it will be a year the world of transportation will remember!
November 29, 2013 Read time: 1 min
Canada has been selected to host the 2017 6456 ITS World Congress. Three Canadian and nine American cities vied to host the conference and after lengthy deliberation the International Committee settled on Montreal.

The last World Congress in Canada was in Toronto in 1999 which attracted over 5,000 delegates. 74 ITS Canada says the Montreal Congress will be even bigger and is promising it will be a year the world of transportation will remember!

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