A fingerprint-activated biometric payment system, a holographic display case and an interactive, gesture-controlled changing room mirror activated by RFID clothing tags were three of the latest innovations on show at the Innovation Centre of Contactless Technologies (CITC EuraRFID) stand in the Smart Shopping Zone at CARTES 2013.

A fingerprint-activated biometric payment system, a holographic display case and an interactive, gesture-controlled changing room mirror activated by RFID clothing tags were three of the latest innovations on show at the Innovation Centre of Contactless Technologies (CITC EuraRFID) stand in the Smart Shopping Zone at CARTES 2013.
The CITC-EuraRFID brings together the contactless technology skills and platforms of more than 250 members in the north of France and Belgium, UK, Netherlands and Germany. It supports the adoption of innovative contactless technologies including RFID, NFC, Zigbee and sensor networks.%$Linker:2 External <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><dictionary /> 0 0 0 oLinkExternal www.citc-eurafid.com Visit: www.citc-eurafid.com false http://www.citc-eurafid.com/ false false %>
The CITC-EuraRFID brings together the contactless technology skills and platforms of more than 250 members in the north of France and Belgium, UK, Netherlands and Germany. It supports the adoption of innovative contactless technologies including RFID, NFC, Zigbee and sensor networks.%$Linker: