Connectivity vital for advancing autonomous, electric and shared tech, says Bloomberg

Connectivity is essential for the development of autonomous, electric and shared technologies, according to international media outlet Bloomberg. “Connectivity is at the heart of this as autonomous cars need high-definition maps that are connected through 4G,” said Phil Robinson, head of research and insight, EMEA Bloomberg Media. “For electric, you need to know where the next charging station is by being connected to the app while Uber users are connected to 4G or Wi-Fi to make it happen.” Robinson a
February 12, 2019

Connectivity is essential for the development of autonomous, electric and shared technologies, according to international media outlet Bloomberg.

“Connectivity is at the heart of this as autonomous cars need high-definition maps that are connected through 4G,” said Phil Robinson, head of research and insight, EMEA Bloomberg Media. “For electric, you need to know where the next charging station is by being connected to the app while 8336 Uber users are connected to 4G or Wi-Fi to make it happen.”

Robinson also emphasised the importance of data but warned about the dangers of hacking.

“I’ve seen someone examples recently where people can plot from where you live to where you work, so there’s a double-edged sword on this data,” Robinson concludes.

He was speaking at the ‘Future of Global Urban Mobility’ event, hosted in London by research agency Kadence International.

Robinson based his conclusions on the company’s artificial intelligence and content activation tool Bloomberg AiQ. The solution provides real-time insight into what audiences read across Bloomberg and is integrated with RSS feeds from 30,000 publishers worldwide.

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