Germany to abolish emergency telephones on federal roads

The Björn Steiger Stiftung, a German foundation originally set up to improve the response time emergency services need to help injury victims, has announced that the emergency telephones on federal, state and county roads will be abolished in all federal states in Germany except Baden-Württemberg. The foundation attributed the decision to cost reasons but also pointed out that the emergency telephones were becoming more and more superfluous due to mobile location technology.
April 19, 2012
RSSThe Björn Steiger Stiftung, a German foundation originally set up to improve the response time emergency services need to help injury victims, has announced that the emergency telephones on federal, state and county roads will be abolished in all federal states in Germany except Baden-Württemberg. The foundation attributed the decision to cost reasons but also pointed out that the emergency telephones were becoming more and more superfluous due to mobile location technology. However, around 16,000 emergency telephones on German motorways, which are run by the German insurance industry association GDV, will be kept.