GTT (Global Traffic Technologies) is unveiling its pioneering detection technology here at ITS World Congress Detroit. The company says best in class reliability and flexibility, specifically designed to address the challenges traffic professionals face today, are at the core of the new Canoga 9000 Series solutions design.
According to the company, the Series combines simplicity, flexibility and reliability to reduce lifecycle costs on even the more complex traffic sensing projects. Canoga offers single loop cards and provides unparalleled detection at signalised intersections, on-ramps, freeways, while adding speed, class and count to the detection capabilities.
As Trish Logue, GTT’s marketing director says, “Canoga provides more information with less guesswork, so engineers can make more accurate decisions that improve traffic flow and enhance safety. And those aren’t just marketing words,” she says. Canoga is also at the core of helping rural communities reduce serious crashes and fatalities at unsignalised intersections by providing a warning system for at-risk drivers of approaching cross traffic.
“Visitors to our booth will learn more about the Toward Zero Death initiative involving Canoga that is saving lives in rural Minnesota, and we are very proud that we are playing a part in that initiative,” says Logue. Minnesota’s Rural Intersection Conflict Warning Systems (RICWS) programme uses flashing road signs to warn at-risk drivers of oncoming traffic at intersections averaging two or more fatalities a year. Engineering design consultancy WSB & Associates, the project designer, has chosen Canoga Traffic Sensing to detect vehicles and trigger their traffic alerts. The results have been impressive – a 99.997% success rate for detecting vehicles and for warning drivers of dangerous oncoming traffic. MNDOT expects an overall crash reduction rate of more than 30% and a serious injury reduction of about 70%.