ICM concepts explored

The concepts behind and progress made with Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) will be discussed today between 12.30pm and 4.30pm in Room Chesapeake F here at the Gaylord Convention Center. The idea of building more intelligence into cities rather than simply adding more road capacity has gained significant political support in recent years and this will be reflected in today’s session. Attendees can expect to see an overview of the USDOT’s ICM programme, including a presentation of the USDOT-developed I
May 22, 2012
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The concepts behind and progress made with Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) will be discussed today between 12.30pm and 4.30pm in Room Chesapeake F here at the Gaylord Convention Center.

The idea of building more intelligence into cities rather than simply adding more road capacity has gained significant political support in recent years and this will be reflected in today’s session. Attendees can expect to see an overview of the USDOT’s ICM programme, including a presentation of the USDOT-developed ICM Implementation Guide. This will be followed by a series of presentations on demonstration sites and early adopters.

Following a short break, a panel discussion will allow the audience to gain an appreciation of the opportunities and challenges in implementing ICM and be able to explore steps for promoting further deployment. Metropolitan planning, state highway, city arterial, transit, integrator and USDOT perspectives will be offered by panel members.

Steve Mortensen, Senior ITS Engineer with the FTA, will then provide closing remarks.