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ITS practitioners' guide to Europe

ITS (UK) has published The Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Practitioners' Guide to Europe. The sixteen-page booklet aims to be an introduction to EU institutions for ITS professionals.
March 1, 2012 Read time: 1 min
288 ITS UK has published The Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Practitioners’ Guide to Europe. The sixteen-page booklet aims to be an introduction to EU institutions for ITS professionals.

‘Europe’ and its directorates, funding streams, research activities, legislation and so on are often seen as complex and confusing at the first approach. The new ITS (UK) guide gives a clear and brief introduction and explanation to help those whose work in ITS brings them into contact with EU institutions, either for the first time or not frequently enough for complete familiarity to have developed.

The Guide is written for ITS (UK) by Ankerbold International, a team with many years’ experience of working for and with the 1690 European Commission. The main authors are Dr John Miles, Finella McKenzie, and Keith Keen.

Steven Norris, president of ITS (UK), commented “This guide, written by three authors with years of experience of working with the 1816 European Union and its institutions, will put you on the fast track to working in Europe and I commend it to you.”

The Guide is available on request from %$Linker: Email 0 0 0 oLinkEmail [email protected] ITS UK mailto:[email protected] true false%>

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