Latest publications from ITS-JPO

Recently released publications from the Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS-JPO) include the United States-Japan Evaluation Tools and Methods fact sheet and the United States-Japan-European Union Probe Data fact sheet.
December 3, 2014

Recently released publications from the Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS-JPO) include the United States-Japan Evaluation Tools and Methods fact sheet and the United States-Japan-European Union Probe Data fact sheet.

The US Department of Transportation (USDOT) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology and the Road Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan (MLIT), which have a long history of sharing information, are working together to foster research, development, and deployment of such a system of communicating vehicles and roadside in both countries.

The USDOT and MLIT have a long history of sharing information on ITS activities. The objectives of the collaboration include: Identifying research and development areas that would benefit from joint development; Sharing information on ongoing research and development projects, estimated benefits, research outcomes, and field demonstration results; Informing stakeholders involved in the development of cooperative systems, based on ITS technology, about continuing cooperation and progress between the countries and promote active participation and exchange among stakeholders by jointly organising symposiums, seminars, and meetings; and Supporting development of global, open standards that ensure interoperability globally harmonized standards are essential to support and accelerate the deployment and adoption of cooperative systems based on ITS technologies.
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The USDOT, MLIT and the European Commission (EC) aim to advance the public sector in deploying cooperative systems and in capturing, managing, and using probe data in the management of transportation systems. The EC joined the effort in 2014, and the three regions are building on work completed to date. International coordination is underway in several areas, including: International Standards; Evaluation Tools and Methods; Probe Data; and Automation in Road Transportation.
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