For the first time, the Connecticut DOT is building MG Squared's to be delivered lowering systems directly into a bridge structure. Without the need for a trailer, the agency will be able to place cameras anywhere on the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge in New Haven.
In Rotterdam, engineers are deploying MG Squared lowering systems for lock and dam facilities in the southern part of the city. The first 18 units have already shipped with more than 100 additional units expected by the end of the year.
In the U.S. Midwest, hundreds of MG Squared lowering systems are being upgraded with new dual analogue and IP contact connectors throughout Wisconsin to accommodate the state’s move to high-definition IP cameras. Additional lowering systems are also being added. And in Toledo, the Ohio DOT is relying on MG Squared’s dual analogue and IP contact connectors as the agency upgrades to IP cameras while still requiring interoperability with its existing test gear. Without the dual capability, ODOT would have had to replace its entire test infrastructure.