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Network of National ITS Associations elects officers for 2012/14

At a recent meeting in Copenhagen, hosted by the city and ITS Denmark, the Network of National ITS Associations, a grouping of national ITS interests that currently consists of 26 member organisations, re-elected the sitting chairman, vice chair, and one of the coordinating committee officers. The Ertico – ITS Europe-hosted network now includes on its coordination committee, Jennie Martin, ITS UK as chairman; Norbert Handke, ITS Network Germany – vice chairman and project champion; Christer Karlsson, ITS Sw
May 11, 2012 Read time: 2 mins
At a recent meeting in Copenhagen, hosted by the city and 5503 ITS Denmark, the 5510 Network of National ITS Associations, a grouping of national ITS interests that currently consists of 26 member organisations, re-elected the sitting chairman, vice chair, and one of the coordinating committee officers.

The 374 Ertico – ITS Europe-hosted network now includes on its coordination committee, Jennie Martin, 288 ITS UK as chairman; Norbert Handke, 5496 ITS Network Germany – vice chairman and project champion; Christer Karlsson, 5497 ITS Sweden – past chairman and congress champion; Reinhard Pfliegl, 5499 ITS Austria; Florin Nemtanu, 5500 ITS Romania; Rui Dias Camolino, 5501 ITS Portugal; Hermann Meyer, Ertico - ITS Europe; and Anna Limbrey, Ertico - ITS Europe – as network secretariat

Expressing her pleasure at being elected for a second and final two-year term as chairman of the network, Jennie Martin said, “It is a model organisation in terms of delivering a lot of benefit to its participants at minimal cost. I look forward to working closely with my colleagues in the other national ITS associations, and with our hosts Ertico - ITS Europe, to promote cooperation in ITS throughout Europe.”

According to Norbert Handke, there are interesting possibilities ahead for the network, such as the ‘regional funds’, the upcoming European Large Scale Action (ELSA) in Transport themes of the 1690 European Commission (EC) or the co-operation with the public sector regarding the EC’s ITS directive.

The Network of National ITS Associations, which was officially launched in October 2004, works to ensure that ITS knowledge and information is transmitted to all actors at the local and national level, such as small and medium sized companies, and support ITS promotion from the ground up.