New surge protection products from Emerson

Emerson Network Power is using its booth at ITS America to highlight its latest surge protection technology (up to 480V) and the evolution of Broadband-Over-Power and Power-Over-Ethernet.
April 22, 2013
7314 Emerson Network Power is using its booth at 560 ITS America to highlight its latest surge protection technology (up to 480V) and the evolution of Broadband-Over-Power and Power-Over-Ethernet.

Its new SHA-1230FS –120V protector incorporates a 'finger safe' design while its SHAS series Highway Light protector has a failure mode LED. The BOP-120 is said to be the first proprietary Broadband-Over-Power protector and the SRS-BIU-15 is said to be the only fifteen pin protector for NEMA control cabinets. Finally, the HVCP-48 series video, power and data protector is a hybrid design for both indoor and outdoor use.

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