Harm Radstaak, managing director EMEA with HID Global, talks about layered security and a future in which a single card or phone is all customers need
Q Users on the move is the theme of CARTES this year - how does this relate to your company?
A HID Global’s theme at CARTES this year is ‘Your Security. Connected’. The company’s product offerings are designed to give organisations a single, co-ordinated view for logical and physical access control, enabling them to efficiently manage various credentials for all of their different users, across all types of devices whilst on the move.
Q Can you give us a few thoughts about the importance of security, one of the key issues in our industry?
A It is critical for a security solution to be open and dynamic so that it can incorporate new technologies and applications as needed. Organisations should take a layered approach to security starting with authenticating the user (employee, partner, customer), then authenticating the device, protecting the browser, protecting the application, and finally authenticating the transaction with pattern-based intelligence for sensitive transactions.
Q Things are changing fast - what is the next big trend do you think?
A We anticipate that within the next five years, users will be carrying multiple secure identities on a single card or phone that can replace all previous mechanical keys and dedicated one-time password (OTP) hardware for physical and logical access control.