Russia to invest billions in traffic safety

Russia's State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (STSI) has presented a draft concept of federal target programme on traffic safety for the period 2013-2020 which mainly focuses on decreasing road accident mortality. It features a commitment to address the death rate among children and provides for bulk acquisition of school buses.
July 17, 2012
Russia's State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (STSI) has presented a draft concept of federal target programme on traffic safety for the period 2013-2020 which mainly focuses on decreasing road accident mortality. It features a commitment to address the death rate among children and provides for bulk acquisition of school buses. As part of the programme, the requirements to safe construction of motor vehicles, control over the technical condition of transport means, and fines for violating traffic safety regulations will be toughened.

Investments in the federal target programme are estimated at US$3.34 billion. The agency will use the money to install photo and video fixation cameras, to implement intelligent traffic management systems, road illumination, and to improve safety of motor cars produced in Russia.