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Second HeERO international conference

The HeERO consortium is to hold the second HeERO international conference at the Novotel Hotel, Bucharest, Romania on 21 November 2013. Attendees will be able to get an update on the status of eCall deployment in the HeERO pilot sites, together with the outcome of interoperability testing. The conference will also discuss any revision to eCall standards and recommendations for the large scale implementation of the eCall service in Europe. Live eCall demonstrations will be staged on 22 November by the Roman
August 12, 2013 Read time: 1 min
The HeERO consortium is to hold the second HeERO international conference at the Novotel Hotel, Bucharest, Romania on 21 November 2013.

Attendees will be able to get an update on the status of eCall deployment in the HeERO pilot sites, together with the outcome of interoperability testing.  The conference will also discuss any revision to eCall standards and recommendations for the large scale implementation of the eCall service in Europe.

Live eCall demonstrations will be staged on 22 November by the Romanian pilot site at the Romanian Academy Library in Bucharest.

Go to the %$Linker: 2 External <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><dictionary /> 0 0 0 oLinkExternal conference website false false false%> for more information and to register.