Students honored by ITS America

On Tuesday ITS America honored the winners of its annual student essay competition sponsored by Southwest Research Institute. The winning essay authored by James Wong from the Georgia Institute of Technology investigates the integration challenges presented by real-time traveler information. Multi-modal transportation has always been a passion of Wong who hopes to one day head a public agency.
May 22, 2012
James Wong Josh Johnson Laura Black
This is our future: James Wong, Josh Johnson and Laura Black with their awards
On Tuesday ITS America honoured the winners of its annual student essay competition sponsored by 5690 Southwest Research Institute.

The winning essay authored by James Wong from the Georgia Institute of Technology investigates the integration challenges presented by real-time traveller information. Multi-modal transportation has always been a passion of Wong who hopes to one day head a public agency.

“We’re pleased as an organisation to support [research and development] within the industry and promote up-and-coming engineers,” said Josh Johnson from Southwest Research Institute. “This is our future.”

Kshitij Jerath from Penn State University won second place for his paper on intelligent vehicles, and Laura Black from the University of Delaware won third place for her discussion of social media’s role in transportation.

“It’s good to see an organisation that pushes innovation into reality,” Black said, referring to her experiences with ITS America.

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