TransCore has been selected by the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission (NJMC) to deploy the SCATS adaptive traffic control system across almost 130 intersections in the Hackensack Meadowlands District – the fourth-largest deployment of its type in the US. The $3 million contract was predominantly funded by the Commission’s TIGER II grant to implement the Meadowlands Adaptive Signal System for Traffic Reduction (MASSTR) program. The programme will be completed by December 2013.

Travis White Senor Associate TransCore
MASSTR is the result of an evaluation of the region’s existing signalised intersections and the applicability of alternative adaptive signal control systems to support fluctuating traffic patterns. The NJMC determined that there was a lack of coordination across traffic signals and a need to upgrade dated technology. Adding to the complexity, these traffic signals are under the jurisdiction of multiple agencies.
Meadowlands is one of the busiest commercial corridors in the nation. Deploying adaptive capabilities provides immediate response to traffic patterns as they occur, reducing choke points in the roadway network while simultaneously reducing vehicle emissions, fuel consumption and travel times. The adaptive nature of the system provides the greatest efficiency in areas of highly variable traffic demand such as Super Bowl XLVIII, which will take place in New Jersey’s MetLife Stadium in February 2014; effective management of special event traffic is one of the key benefits of this type of adaptive signal control technology.