Webinar: BigDataEurope for Transport

The first BigDataEurope at 1000 CET on 21 September will look at the societal challenge of Smart, Green and Integrated Transport. The webinar sets out to introduce the BigDataEurope project in general as well as the various stakeholders and applications for Big Data in the Transport domain in particular, followed by a question and answer session. More information on the agenda and speakers will be available shortly. Register for the seminar here.
September 10, 2015
<%$Linker:2Internal<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><dictionary />497820oLinkInternal<span class="oLinkInternal"><span class="oLinkInternal">RSS</span></span>Events (Diary)false/rss/events/truefalse%>The first BigDataEurope at 1000 CET on 21 September will look at the societal challenge of Smart, Green and Integrated Transport.

The webinar sets out to introduce the BigDataEurope project in general as well as the various stakeholders and applications for Big Data in the Transport domain in particular, followed by a question and answer session.

More information on the agenda and speakers will be available shortly. Register for the seminar <%$Linker:2External<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><dictionary />000oLinkExternalhereRegister for the seminarfalsehttps://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2000905921934757889falsefalse%>.