Webinar: Connectivity 101 for Remote Monitoring Systems

Industrial networking and automation specialist Moxa is presenting a live webinar on Tuesday, 15 November at 1100 am Pacific time. The webinar will discuss best practices for automation and controls engineers and show users how to design systems right the first time and on budget. It will cover the common pitfalls when developing and deploying remote monitoring systems and how to quickly and easily connect both new and existing controls and equipment. It will also look at effective techniques to minim
November 2, 2016
Industrial networking and automation specialist 97 Moxa is presenting a live webinar on Tuesday, 15 November at 1100 am Pacific time.

The webinar will discuss best practices for automation and controls engineers and show users how to design systems right the first time and on budget.

It will cover the common pitfalls when developing and deploying remote monitoring systems and how to quickly and easily connect both new and existing controls and equipment. It will also look at effective techniques to minimise the occurrence and impact of communication disruptions, along with the importance of security and some basic tips to protect your operations

Register for the webinar on the Moxa <%$Linker:2External<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><dictionary />000oLinkExternalwebsiteVisit Moxa website falsehttp://pages.moxa.com/MUS-EN_Register-for-Moxa-Webinar-Connectivity-for-Remote-Monitoring.html?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTkRZek5UTmhPV00xWVdaayIsInQiOiJieTdSQXFLY2ZCcmhWWDlHS1ZpNkc5MEhVNXFCTzB5ZVBEMmc1WktRTk5RYXZVa2RVT1RqSDQ2Wkxrc2FuY0FUTHc0K0hWQVVsS1VQSXVFQTB2Q05cL0p0eHI5Y3l6dk16KzVhZ0VoU3dIOXc9In0%3D)falsefalse%>.
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