October 11, 2012
The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) calls for road charging should be introduced on the strategic road network in England. Proposals in the…
October 11, 2012
Swedish rail operator Svenska Tågkompaniet AB (Tågkompaniet) is to deploy a new mobile solution for its train drivers and train conductors, with…
October 11, 2012
Econolite will use the ITS World Congress to highlight its Centracs Adaptive and Travel Time software modules. Centracs Adaptive is designed for…
October 11, 2012
Streetline will showcase smart parking technology that combines sensors and a suite of applications to provide cities with real time and historical…
October 11, 2012
Delcan International Corporation will feature its Intelligent NETworks (iNET), a state-of-the-art ATMS application designed to collect, disseminate,…
October 10, 2012
Canada’s Regional Municipality of York (YRT/Viva) has partnered with Google and INIT, supplier of ITS and fare collection systems, to offer bus…
October 10, 2012
US-based mapping and navigation specialist, Rand McNally has unveiled its new HD 100 device, which the company claims turns GPS units, tablets and…
October 10, 2012
A two-year pilot project has begun in London with taxi firm Addison Lee and electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer Renault, which uses the principle of…
October 10, 2012
The US Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) is to implement pilot project for a completely cashless toll system for the Henry Hudson Bridge in…
October 9, 2012
UK company Electrosonic has provided extensive audio, video and data information support to the County of Santa Barbara’s new Emergency Operations…