June 22, 2018
Uber intends to launch its newly-acquired Jump electric bikes in Seattle, US, in a move which could increase competition among rival firms. The ride-…
June 22, 2018
K Group intends to boost Finland’s electric car charging infrastructure by 50% by 2019. The solar power producer will install 400 charge points for…
June 22, 2018
Cohda Wireless' connected vehicle technology is being trialled on 100 freight vehicles in a bid to keep traffic moving and reduce congestion in…
June 22, 2018
Smart city road manufacturer Crown International says its double electric vehicle (EV) charge point could save UK local authorities £3bn. The…
June 21, 2018
Dirk Weiber, head of research at Init, has received the European Talent in Mobility award in the best manager category, at Transports Publics 2018 in…
June 21, 2018
Jacob Bangsgaard has been re-elected MaaS Alliance president at the organisation's general assembly in Brussels. Under his new role, Bangsgaard will…
June 21, 2018
Bombardier Transportation says its automated people mover (APM) 300 system will help manage increasing passenger numbers at China's Shenzhen Airport…
June 20, 2018
Singapore-based technology group ST Engineering intends to protect its connected and autonomous vehicles (C/AVs) from cyberattacks through utilising…
June 20, 2018
Technology company Activu has added three features to its visualisation and collaboration software platform ActivWare, which helps traffic management…
June 20, 2018
ITS provider HMI Technologies and its subsidiary Ohmio will develop a manufacturing plant for autonomous vehicles and an artificial intelligence…