November 29, 2013
TomTom has announced a partnership with UN-Habitat, the United Nations Human Settlements Programme. TomTom’s global Traffic Index data will be used…
November 29, 2013
From young professionals to lifetime achievers, the ITS Australia awards ceremony recognised leading industry contributors at the end of a busy 2013…
November 29, 2013
A fleet of 130 virtual electric cars is set to appear on the roads of Munich, Germany, where the Technische Universität München (TUM) is to provide…
November 29, 2013
Working closely with partners from Puget Sound-area transit and planning organizations to implement a multimodal-system analysis, the Washington…
November 29, 2013
A partnership between premium car manufacturer Audi and the international traffic technology group Swarco recently demonstrated their achievements in…
November 29, 2013
International Road Dynamics (IRD) announced today that it has received a US$1.6 million contract to provide a weigh-in-Motion (WIM) sorter system for…
November 29, 2013
ITS Italy will host the final event of the European COMPASS (Optimised CO-Modal PASSenger Transport for reducing carbon emissions) project. The 25-…
November 29, 2013
Canada has been selected to host the 2017 ITS World Congress. Three Canadian and nine American cities vied to host the conference and after lengthy…
November 29, 2013
ITS America has appointed ITS United Kingdom members Finella McKenzie and Dr John Miles as editors for a revision of the PIARC ITS Handbook. PIARC…
November 29, 2013
ITS America’s Leadership Circle, now with 34 members strong, has staged its second Thought Leadership Forum. The two-day forum focused on innovation…