May 18, 2021
Bolt Drive charges a single fee covering hire, fuel, insurance and parking
May 17, 2021
Solution provides digital signage to 400 spaces in an attempt to cut VMT and emissions
May 17, 2021
Dubai RTA and Visa are collaborating to improve the Nol card used on public transport
May 14, 2021
Transportation Solutions and Lighting to distribute intersection control and detection products
May 14, 2021
DoT makes plans for VRUs - who currently represent 21% of Washington State's traffic fatalities
May 14, 2021
Merging transit and bike-share into existing app is designed to get travellers out of cars
May 14, 2021
No safety driver for Baidu Apollo vehicles at site of 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics
May 13, 2021
Monterey-Salinas Transit fares go contactless in state-wide bid to make travel cost-effective
May 13, 2021
Cryptocurrency payments to be used for fares in 20,000 taxis in Scandinavia and 10,000 in UK
May 12, 2021
Vaisala RoadAI creates faster, more detailed, accurate and cost-effective road condition surveys