February 16, 2021
Obama adminstration USDoT veteran Brie Sachse is taking lead role in company's team
February 16, 2021
Software giant's platform expected to help reduce development cycles from months to weeks
February 16, 2021
Test vehicle utilises VaaS cameras and intelligent traffic signals
February 15, 2021
ITS America boss supports road pricing and emphasises importance of transport equity
February 15, 2021
New venture in Guangzhou includes robotaxis as well as driverless buses on fixed routes
February 12, 2021
Any overpaid costs will be credited to the driver's account, firm says 
February 12, 2021
New group is prioritising urban mobility, data governance and circular economy 
February 11, 2021
Product makes nodes of data communication in embedded systems safe, firm says
February 11, 2021
Partners will roll out smart streetlighting in Minas Gerais using Planet CMS solution
February 11, 2021
California project is seeking to improve traffic flow and safety for all road users