March 17, 2020
Unlimited Biking is offering an alternative to public transport in New York City, San Francisco and Washington, DC in the wake of the coronavirus…
March 17, 2020
Energy company Centrica has entered a three-year agreement with Volkswagen (VW) to provide home charging solutions for electric vehicle (EV) drivers…
March 16, 2020
Waymo has redesigned its fifth-generation hardware sensor suite with the aim of enabling the scaled deployment of Waymo Driver autonomous vehicles (…
March 16, 2020
Nasa has partnered with 17 aviation companies to carry out a series of technology demonstrations as part of its Urban Air Mobility (UAM) Grand…
March 16, 2020
Egypt has announced plans to produce as many as 25,000 electric vehicles (EVs) over the next few years. 
March 13, 2020
The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) said that 6,590 pedestrian fatalities occurred in the US during 2019 - the highest number in more…
March 13, 2020
Smart motorways are not always as safe - or safer - than conventional motorways, the UK government has acknowledged.
March 13, 2020
Nearly three-quarters of disabled customers experience barriers on more than a quarter of transport-related websites, according to experts.
March 13, 2020
Intelematics has published historic traffic flow data files for more than 2,000 Australian suburbs from 2016-19.
March 12, 2020
IBTTA has cancelled its Technology Summit, which was scheduled for April 1-4 in San Diego, California.