December 20, 2013
German intelligent transportation systems supplier init has achieved contract wins in France and Finland. French local authority Le Grand Avignon…
December 20, 2013
As this issue of ITS International goes to press there is considerable confusion over the introduction of the French Ecotax following widespread and…
December 19, 2013
Transportation innovator Leo McCloskey has joined ITS America as senior vice president for Technical Programs, where he will manage the Association’s…
December 19, 2013
Ertico – ITS Europe and communications standards body ETSI have staged the second eCall Testfest event where vendors tested the interoperability of…
December 19, 2013
During the ITS World Congress in Tokyo, ITS Finland, the Finnish Ministry of Transport, Ertico - ITS Europe, HERE and others joined forces to launch…
December 19, 2013
Dedicated to recognising emerging talent as well as established and successful players, nominations for the 2014 Telematics Update awards are now…
December 19, 2013
A new ten year plan released by the Maine Turnpike Authority defers decisions on work to upgrade its three largest toll plazas pending completion of…
December 19, 2013
PTV Group, in association with MTECH, Thailand, is holding an urban traffic planning and management workshop in Bangkok on Tuesday 14th January.…
December 19, 2013
Redflex Holdings has announced the appointment to the board of non-executive Director, Adam Gray, who is co-founder and managing partner of Coliseum…
December 19, 2013
US Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx has announced a Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) loan for US$452 million to…