May 16, 2012
New data available from the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) highlights the importance of transportation spending to…
May 16, 2012
The organisers of the sixth Intertraffic Istanbul event expect the exhibition to be a major success. The exhibition space has doubled in size and the…
May 16, 2012
Indonesia’s capital Jakarta suffers a heavy economic penalty for its chronic traffic congestion. This has been revealed by a new report from the…
May 16, 2012
Econolite has expanded its partnership with TrafficCast International and will integrate real time data from the TrafficCast BlueToad travel time…
May 16, 2012
According to a report by Berg Insight, global shipments of GPS-enabled GSM/WCDMA handsets increased almost 97 per cent in 2010 to 295 million units.…
May 16, 2012
McCain has announced results measuring the effectiveness of its adaptive signal control software deployed on the city of San Marcos's new 'smart…
May 16, 2012
The International Roads Assessment Programme (iRAP) has appointed the Transport Research Foundation (TRF), the parent of TRL, as a new Centre of…
May 16, 2012
As part of its activities, the UK RAC Foundation (Royal Automobile Association) has published a research report, 'The Acceptability of Road Pricing'…
May 16, 2012
Equity Residential, a leading US owner and operator of apartment properties, and Zipcar have announced a strategic partnership that will expand the…
May 16, 2012
At last week's 32nd International Vienna Motor Symposium, the chairman of the Volkswagen Group, Prof. Dr. Martin Winterkorn, announced that the group…