Among a range of new products that
EDI says the DA-300 easily interfaces with any make or model of traffic cabinet or controller to provide real-time traffic counts and parsed data which can be used to derive a variety of data analytics which may include levels of service, vehicle occupancy, arrivals on red and high-density detector data.
The iCite Data Aggregator DA-300 provides wi-fi-based roadway network travel time and much more. It monitors and reports on mission critical traffic cabinet or intersection faults via SMS or email. It’s also designed to endure temperature extremes and is well suited for solar powered applications.
Also on the booth will be the EDI and RAE parking and access control vehicle detectors which set the standards in reliability and functionality. According to the company, these units can be programmed for eight-phase, dual-ring operations by answering a series of questions presented on the monitor. The Wizard can setup the eight flashing yellow arrow (FYA) Types (A-H) defined by the NEMA Amendment 4-2012. The Wizard can set up eight additional FYA Types (I-P). It will set the proper configurations and check the program card jumpers for any configuration issues. Selecting "Easy FYA Programming" allows standard program card programming for FYAs.