Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) specialist
The firm acquired German company eso, which manufactures portable speed measurement devices, last year, and Tomas Pospisek, Kistler’s global market development manager for road & traffic, says: “We’re hoping this will bring us synergies. We’re monitoring the weight and they’re monitoring the speed. It’s an important step, for sure.”
When it comes to WIM, Kistler still maintains there is a need for a single European standard, despite several attempts to create one. “We’re not the ones to create it or push it through,” says Pospisek. “But we will support it. We just keep repeating that it’s something we’re missing. Without a clear, understandable European standard, how can customers compare products?”
While voluntary standards are worthwhile, he believes that demand from end users will eventually ensure a mandatory one comes into being.
Stand: 10.315