Radar detection specialist
According to Stuart Douglas, AGD Systems’ general manager in Australia, the 350 monopulse enforcement radar allows vehicles to be tracked in two dimensions, rather than just the one direction tracked by conventional single-radar detectors.
“Applications for this system include red light detection and intersection blocking, and also incident management on freeways,” he said.
“We believe this is the most advanced radar detection system in the world – and it has been specifically designed for OEM integration into photo enforcement systems.” Douglas said that AGD Systems was exhibiting at Melbourne’s ITS World Congress to increase its penetration into the Australian and New Zealand markets.
“While we’ve been in the UK for over 30 years, we have only been in Australia and New Zealand for the past five years,” he said.
“We are keen to highlight our product capabilities here, plus we are keen to talk to delegates and visitors from Indonesia and other South East Asian countries so we can expose our products to broader markets.”