Essentially, the ScanBike is a small plastic box weighing 14kg that can be attached onto the rear carrier of any heavy-duty bicycle and scooter. It is self-contained, working independently from the vehicle thanks to its own battery that operates the equipment for 3-5 hours.
This gives operators high freedom of choice of the vehicle, explains Coen Borren, head of marketing for
The effective reading distance from scanner to plate is around 5m. The cyclist can pedal down a one-way street and read plates of cars parked on both sides of the roads, explains Coen Borren, head of marketing for Scanacar, makers of the ScanBike.
It is equipped with Infrared Flash for all-weather recognition and captures around 40 images per second per camera. Communication is via secured network with encrypted messages. It uses normal GPS.
After scanning a block and giving car drivers time to buy a ticket, the parking attendant will be lead to all cars that have not paid via the screen on the handlebar.
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