Telegra has gone to unusual lengths to demonstrate the sealing of its Nextgen series of variable message signs – and has immersed a working panel in a water column on its stand. Sealed to IP67/MENA 6 standard, the panels use groups of three single-coloured LEDs with the light output shaped by a bespoke lens system to enable a wide gamut of colours to be displayed on the signs.

Telegra puts its new LED signs to the ultimate sealing test on its Intertraffic stand.
The maintenance-free and energy-efficient panels consume 270W/m2, have a mean time between failures in excess of 40,000 hours and the modular design allows individual segments to be easily replaced. When used in cold climates the panels can be specified with a front-face defrosting system which extends the operating range to between -40°C and +74°C.