A sophisticated system giving emergency vehicles priority at signalised junctions has been developed by specialist Australian ITS provider Transmax. The firm’s innovative Emergency Vehicle Priority (EVP) package switches traffic signals to green ahead of an emergency response vehicle, improving safety.

A sophisticated system giving emergency vehicles priority at signalised junctions has been developed by specialist Australian ITS Provider 796 Transmax. The firm’s innovative Emergency Vehicle Priority (EVP) package switches traffic signals to green ahead of an emergency response vehicle, improving safety.
This reduces the risks arising from emergency vehicles having to cross junctions at a red signal. The EVP system manages traffic signals automatically, before and after emergency vehicles have passed through an intersection. It negates the risks caused by motorists finding themselves in the way of an emergency vehicle.The EVP system is an ITS solution designed so that it can be installed to existing traffic control technology quickly and easily. This technology helps improve response times for emergency vehicles while also significantly reducing the risks when passing through busy interchanges. The EVP system has been trialled in Queensland, showing a reduction in response times of 10-18% along major routes.
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This reduces the risks arising from emergency vehicles having to cross junctions at a red signal. The EVP system manages traffic signals automatically, before and after emergency vehicles have passed through an intersection. It negates the risks caused by motorists finding themselves in the way of an emergency vehicle.The EVP system is an ITS solution designed so that it can be installed to existing traffic control technology quickly and easily. This technology helps improve response times for emergency vehicles while also significantly reducing the risks when passing through busy interchanges. The EVP system has been trialled in Queensland, showing a reduction in response times of 10-18% along major routes.