Mobile phone use and driver distraction are major causes of road crashes and contribute to almost 20% of serious injuries. Research shows that using a mobile phone while driving quadruples the risk of crashing. The use of a mobile phone while driving is just as dangerous as drink-driving.
Failing to wear a seatbelt also has significant impacts on the outcome of a crash for drivers and passengers. Vehicle occupants not wearing seatbelts have a much lower chance of surviving a crash than those who wear their seatbelts. Wearing a properly adjusted seatbelt improves the chance of surviving a crash by 200%.
Intertraff says it is committed to protecting the privacy of drivers and passengers and works closely with police forces to ensure that the camera operations comply with privacy legislation.
People are not identified using the images as the camera masks the faces of the driver and passengers. If no offence is detected, the camera automatically deletes the images.
Stand 01.506