The system integrates data from all major sources including roadside, data from vehicles and from road users through its proprietary real-time fusion engine which analyses real-time and historical data.
By applying artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data technologies and data fusion techniques, Lanternn by Valerann reveals the most important events and trends impacting the road. This expedites response and ensures safer resolution by road network operators.
At the heart of Lanternn by Valerann is data fusion which is a significant step forward from simple data integration.
The system eliminates ‘noise’ by fusing event detections from multiple sources into one alert and uses contextual data to verify these events. It also leverages historical data to automate response process planning and recommendation for course of action. Valerann says this adds significant value to the road network control centre at all levels to include operational management as well as long term process and infrastructure implementation decisions.
By launching this modular, easily upgradeable, tailored intelligent traffic management solution Valerann says it offers a different perspective to the ITS industry. It places road network operators at the centre of the transportation ecosystem, enabling them to access meaningful insights about their managed asset.
Stand 05.370