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Verra Mobility seeks smarter solutions

Verra Mobility has long been known as a safety specialist but is increasingly pivoting its existing technology towards smart mobility as well. “Technology which you used to drive safety outcomes can also be used to drive mobility outcomes,” says Michael Tooker, senior vice president of product solutions.
March 30, 2022
Michael Tooker
Michael Tooker

Verra’s roots are in safety, with applications such as red-light running, but customers need other things from the company, Tooker says: “Congestion is a high point of need.” By enforcing bus lanes with fixed and mobile solutions, for instance, you can improve commuting times and therefore drive bus ridership – which in turn helps to ease traffic jams and cut pollution.

Equally, if you’re already keeping an eye on bus lanes, it is not a stretch to protect vulnerable road users as street space is reallocated and more modes are expected to share thoroughfares. “Bike lane enforcement is a space we’re leaning into,” says Tooker. He also sees other potential opportunities in the growing trend towards micromobility, which ticks Verra’s boxes: urban environments, municipal customers and a stretch of kerb to manage.

Speed enforcement is a further area which Verra is looking at. “Customers want to solve specific use cases, especially with vulnerable communities,” Tooker says. Enforcing safety in school zones is one example here.

The company is also considering a concept Tooker calls, “the highest order of enforcement”, bringing together edge technology and back-office functions. “Just because you can enforce everything doesn’t mean you should,” he says. “But if you can deal with the most egregious offenders, you can have the highest impact.”

Stand 01.303

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