April 1, 2019
As the C-ITS Delegated Act begins its journey through the European policy maze, Adam Hill looks at who is expecting what from this proposed framework…
April 1, 2019
As the C-ITS Delegated Act begins its journey through the European policy maze, Adam Hill looks at who is expecting what from this proposed framework…
March 19, 2019
Putting an end to traffic jams – including those involving freight - and improving the air people breathe are major goals for city authorities…
March 19, 2019
UK congestion is getting worse, in part due to the influx of deliveries coming into cities. At a roundtable discussion in London, software provider…
March 15, 2019
A traffic signal control scheme in Utah is being taken up by other US authorities. David Crawford finds out how the Beehive State is leading the way…
March 15, 2019
The gig economy is reshaping the way we think about travel and recreation – but when it comes to whether it increases congestion, there’s no simple…
March 15, 2019
Asfinag’s Manfred Harrer and Peter Meckel talk to Jason Barnes about the organisation’s first steps towards C-ITS deployments - and why ITS-G5 will…
March 4, 2019
Dynamic kerbside management is crucial if urban authorities are to address increasingly chaotic situations caused by the gig economy and mobility…
March 4, 2019
Road accidents are a major blight on the world’s highways - but some companies are attempting to stem the tide. David Arminas reports on the annual…
March 4, 2019
The focus of the IBTTA’s Annual Technology Summit is changing. The tolling organisation’s Bill Cramer explains why this is good news for ITS…