New report addresses ITS dependence on M2M communications

A new report from Research and Markets, M2M Communications and Intelligent Transportation Systems - Markets, Standardisation, Technologies, addresses a relatively new trend in the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) development - its dependence on the progress in machine to machine (M2M) communications. The report concentrates on specifics of M2M communications and the necessity to design communications technologies that agree with M2M specifics. The M2M industry, standardisation, specifics and markets
Location Based Systems / June 10, 2013
RSSA new report from 7527 Research and Markets, M2M Communications and Intelligent Transportation Systems - Markets, Standardisation, Technologies, addresses a relatively new trend in the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) development - its dependence on the progress in machine to machine (M2M) communications.

The report concentrates on specifics of M2M communications and the necessity to design communications technologies that agree with M2M specifics. The M2M industry, standardisation, specifics and markets are addressed. Properties of M2M ITS applications are analysed.
The report shows that the ITS segment of the M2M communications market is strong and growing fast. It predicts that in a couple of years, there will be billions of M2M networked sensors that serve auto, location, traffic surveillance and monitoring and other ITS applications, communicating information that can help to cope with multiple issues on roads, saving human lives and contributing to the growth of our economy.
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