Register for USDOT connected vehicle PlugFests

The USDOT will hold its next two connected vehicle PlugFests on 13-15 May in Farmington Hills, Michigan and on 24-26 June in Palo Alto, California. PlugFests provide venues for vendor-to-vendor connected vehicle device testing to help ensure that devices and systems meet the base standard requirements and level of interoperability necessary for the Southeast Michigan Connected Vehicle Test Bed Deployment 2014 Project.
Location Based Systems / May 2, 2014
The USDOT will hold its next two connected vehicle PlugFests on 13-15 May in Farmington Hills, Michigan and on 24-26 June in Palo Alto, California. PlugFests provide venues for vendor-to-vendor connected vehicle device testing to help ensure that devices and systems meet the base standard requirements and level of interoperability necessary for the Southeast Michigan Connected Vehicle Test Bed Deployment 2014 Project.
On the first day of each PlugFest, an afternoon training session will be held via webinar to provide an overview of the south-east Michigan 2014 project, including the document tree, communication security requirements, architecture, and concept of operation.
During the next two days of each PlugFest (May 14-15 in Farmington Hills and June 25-26 in Palo Alto), on-site testing will be run. Participants will be able to test their devices' peer-to-peer and broadcast mode communications capabilities.
A more detailed agenda will be provided to registered participants leading up to each PlugFest.

Register for the Farmington Hills PlugFest <%$Linker:2External<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><dictionary />000oLinkExternalherefalse>

Register for the Palo Alto PlugFest <%$Linker:2External<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><dictionary />000oLinkExternalherefalse>