More Than: over half of Britons in test support car crash images used as speeding deterrent

58% of Britons who took part in a More Than (MT) visual deterrent speed sign test support its new proposal for speed limit signs to be accompanied by images of car crashes to deter drivers from speeding. The test follows a recent study from the campaign group, which revealed that 62% of drivers regularly ignore speeding signs along with 25% who stated that the threat of having to attend a speed awareness course isn't enough of a deterrent. Upon the reasons behind the effectiveness of the images in causing
Enforcement / November 20, 2017
58% of Britons who took part in a More Than (MT) visual deterrent speed sign test support its new proposal for speed limit signs to be accompanied by images of car crashes to deter drivers from speeding. The test follows a recent study from the campaign group, which revealed that 62% of drivers regularly ignore speeding signs along with 25% who stated that the threat of having to attend a speed awareness course isn't enough of a deterrent.

Upon the reasons behind the effectiveness of the images in causing drivers to reduce their speed, 67% said it made them more tangibly aware of the dangers of speeding, followed by 56% on the fact that they were so shocking. Additionally, 38% said that they were more scared about crashing their car.

Other key findings showed that 14% admitted to having picked up a fine in the last five years; one in 10 of which (11%) have paid in excess of £250 ($331) over the same time period in fines. In addition, 15% have attended a speed awareness course to avoid having points put on their licence and 2% of those polled confessed to having had their licence revoked for repeated offences in the past. Meanwhile, 3% have been involved in an accident as a result of their speeding tendencies.

MT is now exploring a possible follow-up activity and aims to secure an actual pilot of the signs on UK roads to test how effective they potentially are in causing drivers to reduce their speed. It is approaching local police forces and pressure groups to gather support for the campaign.

An online driving game has also been launched to mark this year's Road Safety Week. Rather than finishing in the quickest possible time; the aim is to get to the destination as safely as possible – collecting coins, avoiding collisions, keeping to the speed limit. The full game is available to play at <%$Linker:2External<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><dictionary />000link-external Than Smart Wheels game website linkfalse>

Kenny Leitch, global connected insurance director, said: “At More Than, we want to help make Britain’s roads as safe as possible. We know parents and young drivers worry about their early driving experiences.  We’re ensuring that our customer journey, communications and product design are all tailored towards promoting safe driving in a way that we know is likely make a real difference and change behaviour. Above all this is driven by our understanding of what really works, based on reputable behavioural science that ensures we’re looking after young inexperienced drivers by promoting safe driving in the most effective way.”