The London Borough of Havering has introduced Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) to crack down on dangerous driving and parking during the school run. The pilot scheme uses Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs), making anti-social driving a criminal offence in areas around schools.
The pilot follows an abortive campaign by the school including letters to parents, 1,200 parking fines, excellent school travel planning and letters from the children themselves pleading for a change in behaviour. The Borough believes that the deterrent of potential criminal proceedings is the best way to improve road safety during term time.
To enforce the new scheme, a
The Borough says the pilot scheme has resulted in a 90 per cent reduction in traffic in and around schools during drop off and pick up times. A full consultation with parents and local residents was carried out prior to invoking PSPO legislation which showed 77 per cent or higher approval ratings for each of the first four schools initially chosen to pilot the scheme.