Teledyne Dalsa (TD) and Teledyne Optech (TO) will showcase their latest imaging solutions for intelligent transportation systems in live demonstrations at ITS Word Congress 2017 in Montréal, Canada.
TD will be displaying the Genie Nano with resolutions from VGA to 25 megapixels that offer range in sensor size and image quality with more than 40 colour and monochrome models. It will have a live demonstration, and its multi-exposure feature is useful for red light camera and license plate capture.
TD will be displaying the Genie Nano with resolutions from VGA to 25 megapixels that offer range in sensor size and image quality with more than 40 colour and monochrome models. It will have a live demonstration, and its multi-exposure feature is useful for red light camera and license plate capture.
TO will showcase their ultra-light lidar/ camera mobile mapper, Maverick, which it claims can collect data anywhere and everywhere. Mounted on a backpack, Segway or vehicle the solution collects dense lidar data and 360° camera imagery.