Moovit adds Wondo’s services to mobility app

Moovit is to integrate Wondo’s urban mobility services into its app in seven cities in Spain and Portugal. Moovit says the deal will allow its users to access multiple public and private transit services, such as bike rentals, car-sharing, ride-sharing, electric scooters and shared taxis. Also, people will be able to get information guidance and book and reserve rides. Wondo’s services will be available to Moovit users from September in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Sevilla, Bilbao, Lisbon and Porto.
UTC / July 26, 2019

7356 Moovit is to integrate Wondo’s urban mobility services into its app in seven cities in Spain and Portugal.

Moovit says the deal will allow its users to access multiple public and private transit services, such as bike rentals, car-sharing, ride-sharing, electric scooters and shared taxis. Also, people will be able to get information guidance and book and reserve rides.

Wondo’s services will be available to Moovit users from September in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Sevilla, Bilbao, Lisbon and Porto.

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