Tender to be issued for Spanish motorway

The Castilla la Mancha Department of Development in Spain is to issue a tender for the planning and the construction of a motorway to link the towns of Toledo and Ciudad Real and reduce commuting time between the two towns. Potential bidders have twelve months to present a proposal for the project, which is estimated to be worth around US$188,600. State-owned company Ineco will carry out the project planning, while the government of Castilla-La Mancha and the Ministry of will Development will be res
UTC / September 26, 2013
The Castilla la Mancha Department of Development in Spain is to issue a tender for the planning and the construction of a motorway to link the towns of Toledo and Ciudad Real and reduce commuting time between the two towns.

Potential bidders have twelve months to present a proposal for the project, which is estimated to be worth around US$188,600.  

State-owned company Ineco will carry out the project planning, while the government of Castilla-La Mancha and the Ministry of will Development will be responsible for construction of the highway.