Encouraging collaboration through Total Transport

Delegates at CIHT’s event heard how ‘Total Transport’ has the potential to cut cost, reduce carbon emissions and increase customer service. In January 2015 the UK Government announced a new US$5 million (£4 million) Total Transport Pilot Fund to which local authorities in England could bid for supporting resources. Total Transport is viewed as providing a cross sector approach to the delivery of supported public road passenger transport services. Andrew Hugill, director of policy and technical affair
March 24, 2017
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In January 2015 the UK Government announced a new US$5 million (£4 million) Total Transport Pilot Fund to which local authorities in England could bid for supporting resources. Total Transport is viewed as providing a cross sector approach to the delivery of supported public road passenger transport services.

Andrew Hugill, director of policy and technical affairs, CIHT said CIHT has supported this initiative and these pilot schemes have given them a real insight into some of the innovative thinking going on in the industry. One of the key benefits from this pilot has been in showing how important it is to communicate and collaborate with local partners in the delivery of transport, he said.

“There are real advantages for transport providers that could lead to significant efficiencies in the way services are provided at the local level. The schemes reporting back have also shown an improved level of customer service for the end users,” he commented.