First National Bank uses HCE to drive new card issuing strategy

South Africa’s First National Bank (FNB) is the largest issuer of Visa cards in Africa. It used a partnership approach to drive a new innovation by applying HCE to drive its issuing strategy.
November 5, 2014
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South Africa’s First National Bank (FNB) is the largest issuer of Visa cards in Africa.

It used a partnership approach to drive a new innovation by applying HCE to drive its issuing strategy. The new system is integrated on its widely-used mobile banking app. It allows FNB’s customers to have a card issued where they want it – on their mobile device.

A live demonstration of the issuing and provisioning process will be given to conference attendees.

‘How HCE materially changed the issuance strategy of a major bank’. David De Coning, director, Opengate Abnote,
14:00 – 14:30, Room 1