May 27, 2014
University Campus Milton Keynes is working with Clearview Traffic Group on a 13-month research that could lead to the development of innovative…
May 27, 2014
The San Diego Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) pioneer site, which has been in operation for over a year, has been awarded the Operational…
May 27, 2014
A sum of US$24.2 million has been earmarked for improvement of Welsh roads, public transport, and walking and cycling routes. The funding will boost…
May 27, 2014
The President of the Polish Office of Rail Transportation (UTK) has granted approval for the operation of the Global System for Mobile Communications…
May 23, 2014
“Policymakers are facing greater levels of uncertainty in decision making, with the speed, nature, intensity and timing of change” Ministers of…
May 23, 2014
At this year's annual summit of the International Transport Forum in Leipzig, German PTV Group called on lawmakers to establish the rules and…
May 23, 2014
Hailo, an app that allows Londoners to hail a taxi through their smartphones, was founded in 2010 by three black-cab drivers and three technology…
May 23, 2014
São Paulo state transport department STM has re-launched its US$2.13 billion tender to build, operate, and maintain a monorail for the state capital'…
May 23, 2014
More than 100 French rail companies will be exhibiting in the French pavilion at Innotrans, the international railway industry trade show, in Berlin…
May 23, 2014
Xerox is to begin upgrading the bank card payment modules in devices on the public transport networks of Nantes in north-west France and Lyon in…