May 30, 2019
Authors Oliver Gassmann, Jonas Böhm and Maximilian Palmié have published a book to aid stakeholders in the development of smart cities. The authors…
May 30, 2019
SmartWitness, a manufacturer of vehicle CCTV, has entered into an agreement to expand Insight Mobile Data’s LiveCam solutions line. Insight will now…
May 30, 2019
InDriver has launched its ride-hailing service in Johannesburg, South Africa, which allows the driver and rider to negotiate lower fares. A report…
May 30, 2019
Ford’s GoBike is to launch an adaptive bike-share pilot programme for disabled people living in the city of Oakland, San Francisco Bay. The 26-week…
May 28, 2019
Electronic Transaction Consultants (ETC) has earned final system acceptance for a back-office toll collection system for the Harris County Toll Road…
May 28, 2019
Oxford University’s Dr. Rafael H. M. Pereira has won the International Transport Forum’s (ITF) 2019 Young Researcher of the Year Award.
May 28, 2019
SAE International, a mobility standards developer, has formed a consortium to develop a framework of best practices to support secure mobility data…
May 28, 2019
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) has suggested a merger with Renault which it believes would make the combined company a ‘world leader’ in new…
May 28, 2019
Ultimate Visual Solutions (UVS) has appointed Pawel Religa as a representative in Central and Eastern Europe to sell its Lucidity wall controller and…
May 28, 2019
Grab has joined forces with Sinar Mas Land to launch 50 electric scooters aimed at people travelling short distances in BSD (Bumi Serpong Damai) City…