January 11, 2019
Here Technologies has announced it has been selected by Daimler to provide live information for its range of Mercedes Benz vehicles across the…
January 11, 2019
A community has to have 5G in order to be a smart community, which means having a regulatory environment which is conducive to investment. This was…
January 10, 2019
New Flyer of America is to deliver 194 heavy-duty Xcelsior diesel-electric transit buses to Massachusetts to replace buses which are at the end of…
January 10, 2019
Autotalks is demonstrating how its chipset, integrated with Valeo’s telematics platform, can toggle between directed short-range communications (DSRC…
January 10, 2019
A major restructuring of transport services is underway in a growing number of cities worldwide as new consumer-lead business models threaten the…
January 10, 2019
A major restructuring of transport services is underway in a growing number of cities worldwide as new consumer-lead business models threaten the…
January 10, 2019
A mobility operating system cannot be privately built, it must be open and governed by cities, according to the Los Angeles Department of…
January 9, 2019
Keolis Shanghai, a joint venture with Shanghai Shentong Metro, has opened the first section of the Songjiang tram line, offering connections to…
January 9, 2019
Kapsch TrafficCom has introduced what it says is the first configurable roadside unit for Cooperative Vehicle to Everything (C-V2X) direct…
January 9, 2019
Delphi Technologies is collaborating with TomTom on electronic and software applications designed to further optimise vehicle fuel efficiency and…