April 25, 2018
Teleste’s on-board solution will help Alstom remotely manage and deliver infotainment to Greater Lyon metro trains in France. Initial deployment will…
April 24, 2018
Technology now provides transport operators and authorities with an opportunity to compete with car ownership in the minds of consumers, Mobility as…
April 24, 2018
The European Parliament has rubber-stamped new rules following the Volkswagen emissions scandal which seek in part to increase the quality of testing…
April 24, 2018
Kapsch TrafficCom will replace all of Maryland Transportation Authority’s (MDTA’s) roadside tolling equipment. For the upgrade, valued $67m (£47m),…
April 23, 2018
City authorities worldwide need to work more closely together to shape the future of on-demand transportation services. Such co-operation could help…
April 23, 2018
The perception of cyclists as ‘hooligans’ who ignore the rules of the road is a false one, according to a new study. "From our observations, we are…
April 23, 2018
Via and Mobike have launched a multi-modal transportation bundle in Washington DC that includes rideshare and bikeshare in a single subscription. The…
April 20, 2018
Citizens of Chicago have used the PassportParking and ParkChicago apps over 40 million times in the last five years to pay for parking from their…
April 20, 2018
2getthere’s Silent Roadstar autonomous vehicles (AVs) will run on the Nanyang Technological University’s (NTU’s) Smart Campus by 2019 as part of a…
April 20, 2018
Swedish minister for infrastructure Tomas Eneroth and director general of the Swedish transport administration Lena Erixon attended the inauguration…